Saturday, July 11, 2009

Falling in a Hole...

By falling in a hole, I am not referring to where I've been for the past 7 months.....suffice to say as we wrapped up the end elements of dealing with my youngest's kidney issues, many things in my life had to take a sabbatical and this was one...

No, by Falling in a hole, I am referring to a news item you may have heard about wherein a 15-year-old girl in New York's Staten Island fell into an open sewer hole because she was too focused on texting on her friend's cell to pay attention to where she was going. If you missed this particular item, here's a link where you can check it out: (you may have to cut and paste).

A quick summary is that the men who were working in the hole had stepped away for a few minutes to fetch some cones to block the area. True, it would have been more prudent for them to secure the cones before lifting the man-hole cover. In my mind, however, their lapse does not entirely dismiss the fact that this girl failed to notice a hole in front of her that was between 2 and 3 feet across! Although her daughter was only superficially injured (scrapes and bruises), her mother has already stated she plans to sue the city. This, I'm sure, will really help this girl learn to take responsibility for her own stupid choices--not!

The reason this story has been on my mind is not only because this girl is such a poster child for the myriads of brainless teens out there who have completely unplugged themselves from real life, preferring to live in an electronic fantasy land. I could go on for pages about that topic and my general contempt for it, but I digress....

As I have pondered this story, I realized what a wonderful example it will be to share with my kids...a teachable moment. It is such a good example of how we humans tend to live our lives....we walk along doing what we want to do, when we want to do it. We completely ignore our surroundings and fail to keep our eyes open for danger that may be coming our way. When we fall into our own "holes", many of us respond much like the mother in this story--we want to look over where our own choices may have set us up for our fall and instead look for someone else to blame for our unfortunate circumstances.

This girl's mother is missing a golden opportunity to teach her child real life lessons that could help her for her future. Although I would hope she would not fall into the same kind of hole, she will fall into some other kind of hole somewhere along the way and what her mother will have taught her is to look for someone else to pin the entire blame on! How sad.

Although I try my best to teach my kids to look out for life's holes, I know they will fall into their share of holes. My hope is that they will consider first what got them into this hole and take responsibility for themselves first. After that, I hope they know if they look up, they will see the merciful face of Jesus looking down into their hole and reaching down to pull them out and set them back on track again.

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