Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm back.....

I guess what I should do is apologize and explain about what a busy few months we've had, etc., etc., etc.---but I'm not going to because it's too much typing and you probably don't entirely care about the boring details! Suffice to say, I'm back and have a renewed desire to post more consistently....

All that said, I think I will devote more of this space to just general, everyday elements of my life--not just waiting until inspiration strikes (which, rarely, happens when I have time to sit down at the keyboard!).

So, today, it's Saturday and Paul got called in to work. There go the big plans of "projects" I had for today. I guess I'll just focus on getting the Christmas decorations put away. Yes....they are all still up--even the tree! See, I coordinated my nephew's wedding on Dec. 5 and so our decorating got started late. The kids really wanted to enjoy the decorations for a little longer, so they are still up. Why is it the Christmas tree becomes more fragrant as the days pass? I guess it's because it's dying.

That makes me think of the verse in the Bible that talks about Christians being the fragrance of Christ. It seems like when I try really hard to "be a good Christian example"--it doesn't work out so well. Maybe what I should do is start dying--to self that is. Maybe that's where the nice fragrance comes my dying Christmas tree. Hmmm....interesting thought. And what do you know--I started typing away about seemingly meaningless drivel and--SHAZAM!--inspiration struck!

It's good to be back....