Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Random thoughts

I confess, I've kind of been waiting for inspiration to hit--but when it does, it's usually not the most convenient time and then I forget what it was (yes, the pleasures of middle-age approaching!)

Recently, I was paging through a Target ad and noticed they had large totes on sale. Why do they list the sizes for large plastic containers we use in our garages in LIQUID measurements? It's true. The ad will list "30 gallon tote". Do you know anyone that stores liquid in these things? I don't. Why don't they just make it easy and say something like,"20 winter sweaters size" or how about, "1 Christmas Tree worth of ornaments size" or even, "15 sets of Lego size". That way, I'd at least have an idea of what I could store in them!

Well, it's that sleepy time of afternoon on a warm day that makes even typing too much exercise, so I'll sign off after just a few words....

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