Thursday, September 19, 2013

That's gonna leave a mark....

"That's gonna leave a mark!" 
 Generally referring to some sort of damage or injury-inducing scenario, it's a common phrase used in comedy sketches, movies and amusing conversation. I got to thinking it could have a second meaning as I was pondering the life of my husband's grandfather, Fred.

Quickly approaching his 90th birthday, Grandpa has seen a lot of life! A German immigrant, a WWII vet, a farmer, a husband for over 60 years,  a father of 9 (born in 10 years--all single births!), a supporter of civic causes in his town...the list really goes on. He has not only seen a lot of life--he's LIVED a lot more life than most of us hope to! 
As the saying goes, "There are 3 kinds of people in this world: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened!" He very solidly belongs to the first group. I'm not sure when people began to realize that Grandpa Fred was going to leave his mark on this world--but he most definitely has! 

I truly hope a good measure of his drive and determination has made it's way into my kids' DNA. I would like to believe that one day, when they walk into a room, people will say, "That's gonna leave a mark!"